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1. Hi I am grade 8 and I would love to come to Kennedy is there a map of some sorts or how many rooms and how huge they are and the gym size....

Kennedy is a middle-sized school.  Currently we have 890 students.  We have many rooms that fit mainly up to 32 students.  We have one gym and a new workout facility (ETS).

2. Is there an IB program at Kennedy?

We do not have an IB program at Kennedy.  In our school board, IB programs can be found at Riverside and Leamington.

3.  Is the ETS room available throughout day or is it more like a scheduled class?

ETS is available to ALL students of Kennedy before school and after school until 4:00 pm.  Our physical education and fitness classes use the facility during school time.

4. My child would be coming from French Immersion elementary with an IEP.  How often will help be provided for him, weekly? as needed? Also do we discuss his IEP prior to starting in Sept?

Our Learning Support Teacher (Ms. Maceroni) deals with all students with IEPs.  The IEP would be discussed prior to starting in September.  You would have the discussion with Ms. Maceroni about what help would look like and what all parties are comfortable with.  If you would like to touch base with Ms. Maceroni with specific questions, please feel free to email her at

5. Hi, at my school students get to volunteer to do morning announcements, is there something similar at Kennedy? 

Yes.  We have an announcement crew that lead the morning announcements.  There will be plenty of information in September to have you sign up!  We are always looking for energetic students!

6.  Where is the scavenger hunt?

It was a last minute decision to not run it this year.  Sorry!

7. Can u take academic in grade 9?

In September 2022, our newest grade 9 students will all take the same 6 compulsory credits.  There is NO choice for levels.  This is what we call de-streaming.  ALL students in grade 9 next year you will take:

ENG1D (English), CGC1D (Geography), FSF1D (French), MTH1W (Math), SNC1W (Science) and PPL1O (Physical Education).

You will have a choice of 2 elective courses.  The choices are:

AVI1O (Visual Art), AMU1O (Music), AMG1O (Guitar), ADA1O (Drama), BTT1O (Business), GLS1OC (Learning Strategies) or TIJ1O (Integrated Technology - Construction and Design)

8. When is the application given out?

In order to answer this question more thoroughly, we would have to know what school you are currently attending.  Please refer to the "How to Come to Kennedy" page for what to do.  If you are struggling with what to do, please contact the Guidance Office (519-254-6475 press '2')

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